NOS | Tour de France 2007
Nice stuff this internet.
I always followed the Tour de France. In The Netherlands I listened to Radio Tour de France for years, but when I moved to Poland I had to give that one up. However, the website above gives me everything I want... live Radio Tour de France... live television coverage... Super!
Mooi spul dat internet.
In Nederland volgde ik altijd de Tour de France. In de middag ging steevast Radio Tour de France aan, maar toen ik naar Polen verhuisde toen was dat over. Maar nu is daar de website van hierboven... live Radio Tour de France... live televisie... live nieuwsflitsen... Fantastisch!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
NOS | Tour de France 2007
Posted by Eyckenstein at 11:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Philip Fairweather's Blog: July, 2007
Philip Fairweather's Blog: July, 2007
On the Rynek here in Wrocław a lot of times a guy is singing classic songs. It sounds actually nice, but his performance seems somehow out of place on the always busy Rynek. But guess what... by coincidence I found his weblog and he is telling about his performances.
Op de Rynek hier in Wrocław kun je vaak een vent klassiek horen zingen. Het klinkt best goed, maar ergens past het niet op de altijd drukke Rynek. Bij toeval kwam ik vandaag zijn weblog tegen waarop hij vertelt over zijn 'optredens'.!22102EAB512CB033!130/
Cool... Philip Fairweather noticed that I spotted his weblog and thanked me for it! Well, Philip, thanks returned and keep on the good work with singing!
Posted by Eyckenstein at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Last weekend, Jola and I are busy, very busy. Next week our current house has to be empty. And therefore, our new house has to be ready to move some stuff in.
Jola has been packing stuff in boxes, and I have been painting again. And building some regips. And doing gładż.
Het afgelopen weekend hebben Jola en ik het druk gehad. Eind juli moet ons huidige huis leeg zijn. En daarom moet ons nieuwe huis klaar zijn om spullen in te plaatsen.
Jola is vooral bezig geweest met het inpakken van dozen en ik heb me beziggehouden met schilderen en het plaatsen van gipsplaten met spachtelputz.
Posted by Eyckenstein at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 19, 2007
It's summer and it's been a long time ago I wrote something here. And that will stay so for a while. Main reason is that we are very busy with preparing for moving from our old house to our new house. So we're packing boxes again. And in the new house we're finishing... well, finishing... we're right now painting the rooms, and others are finishing the bathrooms and living room... some while to go still :-(
Posted by Eyckenstein at 10:55 AM 0 comments